This is the story told by Margaret Hinchey as she followed the journey of the Hincheys from Co Clare, Ireland to Shark Creek on the Far North Coast of NSW, Australia.
This is the story of the Brennan, Carroll and Hartigan side of our family.
This is the Hinchey Family coat of arms and some information on how the name came about, names derived from Hinchey and the Hinchey motto... The Name Henchy is the anglicised version of the Gaelic name O Aonghusa (roughly pronounced O-Ay-nush) and is preferred by descendants of that sept in Co Clare to the commoner form Hennessy. It is also rendered as Mac Aonghusa. Some of the names derived from Hinchey include; McEnnis, MacInnes, MacInch, MacNish, Ennis, Innes and Hinchey. The root name is composed of two Gaelic words, aon (one) guish (choice). Being of Gaelic origin it is also prevalent in Scotland where it is generally anglicized Angus. Aonghus was the Irish God of Love! The Family Motto is "Vi Vivo Et Armis" which roughly means "To Live By Force and By Arms".
Our complete Hinchey family tree - updated 30/11/2016.